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August 22, 2023


Tackling the Food Production Waste Challenges in Commercial Real Estate

Focusing on the waste generated from food production in commercial real estate, its impact on landfills, and a sustainable solution forward.

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Waste Managed Services for Commercial Real Estate: Tackling Food Production Waste

In the quest for sustainable practices and responsible resource management, the real estate sector has been increasingly looking for innovative solutions to address its environmental footprint. Among the various challenges that real estate investment trusts (REITs) face, waste management stands out as a crucial area with potential for positive change. In recent years, waste management brokers have emerged as key players in facilitating efficient waste management strategies for REITs. This article sheds light on the significance of waste managed services providers (not to be confused with “waste management brokers”), with a particular focus on the waste generated from food production and its impact on landfills.

The Growing Concern of Food Production Waste

Food production is a fundamental component of modern society, but its rapid growth has led to unintended consequences, such as the generation of vast amounts of waste. From agricultural processes to distribution and consumption, the entire food supply chain contributes to the accumulation of food production waste. The sheer volume of this waste is startling, and its disposal has significant environmental and economic implications.

Food in Landfills: A Waste of Resources

One of the most pressing concerns regarding food production waste is the unfortunate reality of food ending up in landfills. The term "food waste" often conjures images of untouched leftovers or spoiled produce, but the issue goes beyond these visible aspects. It encompasses not only the food itself but also the resources that went into producing, transporting, and preparing that food. When food ends up in landfills, all these resources are squandered, exacerbating the environmental impact.

Quantifying the Problem: How Much Food Ends Up in Landfills?

The scale of food waste is staggering. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), approximately one-third of all food produced globally for human consumption is lost or wasted. This equates to roughly 1.3 billion tons of food, valued at around $1 trillion. To put this in perspective, the food wasted each year is enough to feed three billion people, more than the entire global population suffering from hunger.

A Deep Dive into the Numbers: How Much Food Waste Ends Up in Landfills?

While it's clear that food waste is a significant issue, understanding how much of it ends up in landfills is equally important. In the United States alone, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that more food reaches landfills and incinerators than any other single material in municipal solid waste. In 2018, food waste accounted for over 24% of the total material discarded in these facilities. This not only takes up valuable landfill space but also releases harmful greenhouse gases like methane during decomposition.

The Role of Waste Managed Service Providers for REITs

As the real estate industry recognizes the urgency of waste management, waste managed service providers have emerged as valuable intermediaries. These professionals specialize in helping businesses, including REITs, design and implement effective waste management strategies that align with sustainability goals. Waste managed service providers offer comprehensive solutions that span waste reduction, recycling, and responsible disposal. Furthermore, these solutions are often backed my verifiable and transparent waste tracking data for ongoing sustainability and ESG reporting.

Addressing Food Production Waste in REITs

Waste managed service providers bring a unique set of skills to the table, particularly when it comes to addressing the specific challenges posed by food production waste within REITs. These challenges may include the waste generated by restaurants, food courts, and cafeterias in commercial properties, as well as by residential communities with shared kitchens and dining areas.

Waste managed service providers collaborate closely with REITs to develop tailored strategies that minimize food waste at the source. This can involve partnering with tenants to implement composting programs, encouraging sustainable packaging choices, and optimizing food inventory management to reduce over-purchasing.

Sustainability Through Collaboration

One of the key advantages of involving waste managed service providers is their ability to foster collaboration among all stakeholders. They bridge the gap between property managers, tenants, waste haulers, and recycling facilities. By creating a streamlined communication channel, waste managed service providers ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding waste reduction goals, recycling protocols, and responsible disposal practices.

Benefits Beyond the Bottom Line

Efficient waste management, particularly when it comes to food production waste, offers benefits that extend beyond the financial realm. REITs that embrace sustainable waste practices stand to gain improved public relations, as eco-conscious consumers and investors increasingly favor businesses that demonstrate a commitment to environmental stewardship. Additionally, by minimizing waste and lowering disposal costs, REITs can reduce the hidden costs of waste management, achieve greater operational efficiency and enhance their bottom line.

A Sustainable Path Forward

The waste generated from food production is an urgent issue that demands attention and action. Waste managed service providers have emerged as essential partners for REITs seeking to adopt responsible waste management practices, especially in the context of food waste. By quantifying the impact of food waste in landfills and collaborating with stakeholders, waste managed service providers pave the way for a more sustainable future. Through their efforts, REITs can not only reduce their environmental footprint but also contribute to a global movement toward more responsible resource management. As the real estate industry evolves, embracing waste management strategies that address food production waste is not just a choice – it's a necessity.

Keter Environmental Services: Your Partner in Sustainable Waste Management

Keter Environmental Services stands out as the leading waste managed services provider committed to assisting REITs in their journey toward sustainable waste practices. With a focus on food production waste, Keter provides tailored solutions to tackle waste challenges within commercial properties and residential communities. By partnering with tenants, implementing composting programs, and promoting sustainable packaging, Keter helps REITs minimize food waste at its source.

Collaboration is at the heart of Keter's approach. Acting as a bridge between property managers, tenants, waste haulers, and recycling facilities, Keter ensures clear communication and streamlined waste management protocols. This collaborative effort not only reduces waste but also enhances public perception, operational efficiency, and overall sustainability for REITs.

In a world where responsible resource management is imperative, Keter Environmental Services offers the expertise and solutions necessary for REITs to transform waste management into a strategic advantage. By embracing sustainable waste practices through Keter's guidance, REITs can lead the way toward a greener future while reaping the benefits of enhanced reputation and operational excellence.

Schedule a time to chat with one of our consultants. Or, if you are not ready to meet but want more information, contact us here.